Friday, December 16, 2005

Contact City Council Members ASAP!

  • Last year over 900 children in Monroe County were poisoned by lead in their homes.

  • Most of these children live in the City of Rochester.

  • The one most effective preventive step we can take is to adopt a strong City ordinance that requires that lead hazards be found and fixed.

  • City Council is considering alternatives, and plans to vote at its December 20 meeting.

  • City Council needs to hear from you, passage of a strong ordinance IS NOT GUARANTEED!

TODAY we need YOUR help to do at least one of these things to protect our children:
1. Call or e-mail at least one City Council member BEFORE DECEMBER 20 with the following message:

"Please vote in favor of a City lead poisoning prevention ordinance to protect our community’s children from lead poisoning. Please make sure that the ordinance includes a dust wipe test to detect lead hazards as part of the initial inspection, when there is no visible peeling paint, at least in the highest risk neighborhoods. We need your support on this important community issue. Thank you."

[We suggest that you add information about your interest—your work with City residents, neighborhoods, etc. You do not need to be a City resident to make this call. If you are not, point out your interest in the City, its health, and the health of its children.]

City Council Contact Information
Lois J. Giess 428-7538
Brian F. Curran 428-7538
Benjamin L. Douglas 428-7538
Tim O. Mains 428-7538
Adam C. McFadden 428-7538
Wade S. Norwood 428-7538
William F. Pritchard 428-7538
Gladys Santiago 428-7538
Robert J. Stevenson 428-7538

2. Attend the City Council Meeting on Tuesday evening, December 20th

- Sign up to speak at the "Speak to Council Session" 7 – 8 p.m. Make a statement similar to the message above. (call 428-7421 to sign up to speak)
- Be there to support City Council taking a historic step to protect our children. The meeting begins at 8 p.m.

For more information on lead poisoning go to the Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning.

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