Sunday, May 12, 2013

Greens support Bradley Manning for Grand Marshal of San Francisco Pride

Green Party Supports Bradley Manning for Grand Marshal of San Francisco Pride

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Erika McDonald, San Francisco Green Party Media Coordinator

Starlene Rankin, Lavender Green Caucus Co-chair,

San Francisco -- Green Party members, already outraged by the continuing prosecution of whistle-blower PFC Bradley Manning, are joining a growing chorus of individuals and organizations supporting Manning as a Grand Marshal for San Francisco Pride 2013. The Parade takes place on Sunday, June 30, 2013.

In what has become a growing controversy, Manning was reportedly already named Grand Marshal. San Francisco Pride Board President Lisa Williams quickly moved to deny this in a statement in which she cited unproven allegations that Manning's participation in exposing war crimes, corporate malfeasance, and other outrages justified the Obama Administration's charges against him. The statement and reaction sent shock waves across the LGBTIQ community. Furthermore, as columnist Glenn Greenwald, who is gay, has noted, the SF Pride Board has accepted sponsorship from corporations like Bank of America and Wells Fargo whose criminally reckless actions triggered the 2008 economic crisis and cost millions of Americans their homes, jobs, and savings. (

"Bradley Manning is a patriot who bravely took great personal risk to bring military abuses to light," saidStarlene Rankin, Co-Chair of the Green Party's Lavender Caucus.

Rankin noted that the Green Party platform has long supported full equality for members of the LGBTIQ community.

Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party Presidential candidate in 2012, vowed to immediately pardon Bradley Manning if elected, a move that caught the attention of the Bradley Manning Support Network.

Additionally, Dr. Stein, was pictured holding a sign saying "I am Bradley Manning," after a debate held a year ago in San Francisco. Jill Stein:

The Green Party has strongly criticized the Obama Administration for prosecuting whistleblowers who have exposed government, military, and corporate crimes, while refusing to prosecute Wall Street companies for fraud and drug-money laundering and Bush-Cheney officials who authorized torture and other war crimes.

An emergency rally has been announced for Tuesday, May 7 at the SF Pride Board Meeting. Supporters are being asked to show up at 30 Pearl Street in San Francisco at 6:30 PM.


SF Green Party:
Twitter: @SFGreenParty
SF Green Party Facebook:

Green Party of the United States, 202-319-7191
Green Party Facebook:
Twitter: @gpus

Lavender Greens:
Lavender Greens Facebook:
Twitter: @lavendergreens


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