The Green Party of New York State has several state wide committees.
The GPNYS also is allotted 3 representatives on Green Party of U.S.
committees. Committee members are elected by State Comittee representatives but
NATIONAL COMMITTEE – as long as you are an enrolled Green in NYS.
Below is a list of state wide and national committees, current members
and how many elected slots are open. Some state level committees have
an unlimited number of members and all accept volunteer members.
If you are interested in being considered for any of the committees,
please contact Gloria Mattera, Co-chair, GNYS or an SC representative
in your area. Elections may take place at the upcoming meeting on
Saturday, Oct 20 or soon after. You could also contact committee
chairs/members directly to get more information. If you would like to
be considered, please send a brief acknowledgement to
glomatt! or call 718 369-2998.
Committee Membership as of Oct 2007:
Statewide Committees
*Number of elected positions noted in parentheses
** Volunteer members designated by italics
GPNYS Web Committee (11)
Roger Snyder
Craig Seeman
Carl Arnold
James Lane
Carl Lundgren
Darin Robbins
Ann Link
David Levner
GPNYS Rules & Polices
Paul Culley
Gloria Mattera
Steve Scher
Mark Borino
Rachel Treichler
Howie Hawkins
David Cyr
David Mitchell
GPNYS Media Committee
Ron Kuriloff
Maria Kuriloff
Michele Danels
Craig Seeman
Florence Gold
George Deane
Will Maksuta
John David Baldwin – volunteer
GPNYS - Campaign Committee (10)
Eric Jones
Hank Bardel
Jason Nabewaniec
Peter LaVenia
Bill Hill
Darin Robbins
Carl Lundgren
Bob Gumbs
Tom Siracuse
Britney Turner
Ian Wilder
Roger Snyder
GPNYS Issues Committee
David Cyr
Tony Gronowicz
Tom Siracuse
David Mitchell
Mike Bernhard - chair
Florence Gold
George Deane
Bruce Alexander
Jim Brown
GPNYS Fundraising Committee
Matt Funiciello – co-chair
Maria Kuriloff
Michele Danels
Eric Jones
James Lane
Bill Hill
Brittany Turner – co- chair
GPNYS Membership & Organizing Committee
Elaine Steele
Velma Pitt-Foster
Anya Szykitka
Ron Mackinnon
Julia Willebrand
GPNYS County Committees
Ann Link
Hank Bardel
Rebecca White
Peter LaVenia
Howie Hawkins
National Committees
Accreditation (3)
Jim Maceda
Maria Kuriloff
GPUS Ballot Access (3)
Gloria Mattera
Rebecca White
Green Pages (3)
Naomi Canaan
Deyva Arthur
Matt Funiciello
GPUS Finance (3)
Matt Funiciello
Paul Culley
GPUS International
Julia Willebrand
Tony Gronowicz
Carl Arnold
GPUS Platform (3)
Jerry Kann
Tom Siracuse
DayStar Chou
GPUS Bylaws Rules Policies (3)
Jason Nabewaniec
Roger Snyder – by right of appointment as National Comm member
Dispute Resolution (3)
Alison Duncan
GPUS Peace Action (3)
Rebecca Rotzler
Mark Dunlea
Tony Gronowicz
GPUS Diversity (3)
Rebecca Rotzler
Daystar Chou
GPUS Eco Action (3)
GPUS Fundraising (3)
Naomi Canaan
GPUS Personnel (3)
GPUS Merchandise (3)
Jason Nabewaniec
GPUS Annual Meeting
Elaine Steele
GPUS Media
Craig Seeman
Mark Dunlea
Ann Link
Jim Little-observer
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