For Immediate Release:
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
This release is online at
Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-904-7614,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805,
Green Party: "60% of Americans want an alternative party? Let's talk."
• Green Party Speakers Bureau: Green leaders available to speak on democracy and electoral reform:
WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party
candidates and leaders said that a recent Gallup poll shows that the
recent shutdown left millions of Americans feeling betrayed by both
Democrats and Republicans in Washington and open to a major new
political party.
According to the poll, "Amid the government
shutdown, 60% of Americans say the Democratic and Republicans parties do
such a poor job of representing the American people that a third major
party is needed." ("In U.S., Perceived Need for Third Party Reaches New
High" Oct. 11, See also "Many students would welcome third major political party" (USA Today, Oct. 19,
Greens called the shutdown, which might reoccur soon
as Congress and the White House continue budget negotiations, an
opportunity for Americans to discuss the future of U.S. democracy and
ending domination by two parties.
• Joe DeMare, Green candidate for Bowling Green City Council in Ohio (
"Americans are realizing that the shutdown is a symptom of two-party
politics. The shutdown revealed Republicans as the party of
irresponsible extremists, but Democrats have also moved far to the
right. The solution to shutdowns, sequestration, and the politics of war
and Wall Street isn't compromise or the phony center between the Ds and
the Rs. The solution is multiparty democracy and the end of two-party
rule. The shutdown proved that America needs a party that refuses
corporate contributions and that represents working people -- including
federal and state employees. That's why we call the Green Party an
imperative for the 21st century."
• Alfred Molison, Texas Green and a federal
employee: "Social Security and Medicare are in danger from both parties.
Much of the Obama Administration's agenda and accomplishments,
including the Affordable Care Act and plans to slash Social Security,
would have been recognized as Republican ten years ago. The individual
mandate was introduced by the Heritage Foundations and promoted by
Republicans until Democrats made it the basis of the ACA. The bipartisan
debate over the ACA is between two factions that want to keep our
health care under the control of for-profit insurance company
gatekeepers. The Green Party continues to demand Medicare For All --
single-payer national health care, in which patients and physicians, not
corporate bureaucrats, make decisions about medical care."
• Lynne Serpe, Green candidate for New York City Council, District 22 in Queens (
"The movement for an alternative party will grow as more Americans vote
independently. But we also need election reforms, like Instant Runoff
Voting, Proportional Representation, caps on political contributions,
public funding for campaigns and repeal of election laws in many states
that privilege Democratic and Republican politicians and obstruct other
candidates and parties. Greens have advocated these changes since the
party was founded and we're helping to lead the struggle to make the
U.S. a real democracy."
• Marian Douglas-Ungaro, activist for statehood and
equal rights in the District of Columbia and member of the DC Statehood
Green Party: "Women are among those hardest hit by sequestration,
austerity measures, and the recent shutdown. Women stand the most to
lose from deals between the White House and Congress to shred the safety
net and scale back earned benefits. Greens have different priorities:
Cheri Honkala, the Green Party's 2012 vice-presidential nominee, helped
host a meeting in Philadelphia this past weekend of the World Court of
Women that focused on poverty (
Women of all backgrounds deserve a political party that we can build
from the bottom up. Democrats and Republicans measure the health of the
U.S. economy according to Dow Jones, the GDP, and corporate profit
reports. Greens judge the economy according to how many people are
lifted out of poverty."
• Laura Wells, Green candidate for California Controller in the 2014 election (
"Richmond, California is the best example of government for the people,
not corporations. It is the largest city in the U.S. with a Green Party
mayor. Gayle McLaughlin is a champion of solutions for people, and
stands up to the biggest corporation in the state, Chevron. Now she's
taking on Wall Street banks, intending to use eminent domain if
necessary to keep people in their homes. Why did she move on that idea
and other mayors did not? Because she's a Green and takes no corporate
money. My favorite election ever was in Richmond in 2010 when Chevron
put $1 million into three races and lost, lost, and lost. The candidates
who took no corporate money won. And the people won."
See also:
"Green Party:
After the shutdown, American people still need Medicare For All, Social
Security without reductions, deep cuts in bloated military spending"
Green Party press release, October 10, 2013
"The coming debt-ceiling settlement: The well-orchestrated dance 2.0"
Jack Rasmus, Federal Reserve Chair in the Green Shadow Cabinet, October 15, 2013
"Eminent Domain and More: Green Party Mayor and Nonprofits Create Prototype"
By Rick Cohen, Nonprofit Quarterly, October 22, 2013
"Editorial: Current discontent with two party system opens door for third party politics"
The Mirror, University of Northern Colorado, October 21, 2013
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~ END ~
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