GREEN PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES For Immediate Release: Monday, October 1, 2012 Contacts: Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-904-7614, Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805, Green Party of the United States signs on to international Green statement against Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, calling secretly negotiated pact a threat to US jobs and the environment • Support by both Obama and Romney for "NAFTA on steroids" means it won't be debated WASHINGTON, DC -- The Green Party of the United States has joined Green Parties of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand in a "Joint Statement on Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement" that strongly criticizes the proposed international trade pact. The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), which has been called "NAFTA on steroids," would override democratically enacted laws that have been passed at national and local levels to protect the environment, public health, labor rights, and Internet freedom. The text of the Joint Statement, which the Green Party of the United States has endorsed, is appended below. "The Trans-Pacific Partnership, which was negotiated in secret by the Obama Administration, is meant to privilege corporate profits and enhance corporate power in the nations that rim the Pacific, including the U.S. This pact is a threat to jobs in the U.S. It contradicts claims by both President Obama and Gov. Romney that they want to put Americans back to work," said Cheri Honkala, the Green Party's vice-presidential nominee ( "Every voter should know about the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Unfortunately, both Obama and Romney support it, which means it won't be discussed in the presidential debates. Only Green candidates, including my running mate, Jill Stein, are talking about the Trans-Pacific Partnership publicly. This is why it's so crucial that Dr. Stein participate in the debates," added Ms. Honkala. Joint Statement on Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement 21 August 2012 - 4:01pm As the Green parliamentary political parties of three nations whose governments are currently in the process of negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), we are issuing this joint statement to express our serious concern at the fundamentally undemocratic and non-transparent nature of this agreement. Following the leaking of the draft investment chapter of the TPPA the Greens are extremely concerned that the agreement has the potential to undermine the ability of our governments to perform effectively. More than just another trade agreement, the TPPA provisions could hinder access to safe, affordable medicines, weaken local content rules for media, stifle high-tech innovation, and even restrict the ability of future governments to legislate for the good of public health and the environment. We believe that the process should be transparent. This agreement has been negotiated behind closed doors with a level of secrecy that is completely unacceptable in a democratic society. The Right to Set Our Own Laws The governments of Australia, Canada and New Zealand traditionally have the right to set down their own laws for the good of public health, consumers, workers and the environment. Leaked details of the TPPA reveal that, foreign investors and firms could sue Canada or New Zealand in a private international tribunal if their parliaments or local councils pass laws that reduce their profits or adversely affect their businesses. This could include laws such as: • a requirement for large graphic warnings or plain packaging of cigarettes and other tobacco products (such as in Canada and Australia, and forthcoming in NZ); • laws requiring labeling of genetically-modified food and drink (NZ); and • retention of agricultural regulations such as Canada’s supply management system for dairy, which aims to preserve farmers’ livelihoods. The Australian government has indicated it will not agree to these clauses intended to protect multinational businesses from the impact of policy decisions, but New Zealand and Canada’s leaders refuse to do the same (even after Canada was on the receiving end of costly lawsuits under NAFTA). The End of a Free Internet We believe the TPPA is being used to sneak in measures to bind its member countries to extensive and harsh laws on Internet use that wouldn’t be acceptable at the domestic level -- including harsher criminal penalties for minor, non-commercial copyright infringements, a ‘take-down and ask questions later’ approach to pages and content alleged to breach copyright, and the possibility of Internet providers having to disclose personal information to authorities without safeguards for privacy. The European Parliament voted 478-39 against the international ACTA treaty, which was trying to create similar standards. Now, the same type of regulation is being attempted under the TPPA. More IP Rights for the Big Players The Intellectual Property Rights chapter of the TPPA was leaked in draft form in February 2011. We anticipate that unless a more moderate and balanced version is adopted, NZ, Canada and Australia’s shoppers, schools and libraries would end up paying more for their books and DVD’s because it would let copyright holders veto parallel importing. Small and medium-sized software and IT businesses would have their innovative visions stifled by constraining patent laws. Finally, large pharmaceutical companies could use the legislation to deny state drug-buying agencies like those in Australia and NZ access to reliable, low cost medicines. Behind Closed Doors Almost everything we have learnt about the TPPA’s contents comes from leaked documents that the negotiators didn’t want the public to see. No agreement this important should be finalised without the informed input of the ordinary people it will affect. Yet while representatives of AT&T, Verizon, Cisco, major pharmaceutical companies and the Motion Picture Association of America have access to the text, democratically elected members of parliament, advocacy organisations for healthcare and the environment and ordinary citizens are being left out in the cold. Governments, including the US, have opened up to the public in the past by releasing the draft text of agreements. In 2001, all nine chapters of the Free Trade Area of the Americas Agreement were released. At the time, this was called an ‘important step’ that would make the trade negotiation process ‘more transparent and accessible’. If this was the standard for public accountability in 2001, it is disconcerting that similar standards are not in play in 2012. Together, we Green Parties are declaring that we will only support a fair, genuinely progressive trade agreement that promotes sustainable development and the creation of new jobs alongside the protection of the environment and human rights (including freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining). We call on our current governments to remove the veil of secrecy surrounding this agreement and to open these negotiations to public input and comment. Contact Information: Debra Eindiguer c: 613.240.8921 See also: "While Obama and Romney ignore global warming, Green presidential nominee Jill Stein and other Green candidates promote real solutions" US Green Party press release, September 3, 2012 Public Interest Analysis of Leaked Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Investment Text Public Citizen, June 13, 2012 "Disguised attack on democracy" By Ron Forthofer (former Colorado Green candidate for Congress), Times Call, July 5, 2012 "Obama Says One Thing Under the Spotlight; Does Another Behind Closed Doors: While Obama Tells the Country He Will Create Jobs and Stop Outsourcing; His Administration is Secretly Negotiating the Biggest Job-Outsourcing Treaty in History" By Kevin Zeese, Occupy Washington DC, September 10, 2012 MORE INFORMATION Green Party of the United States 202-319-7191 • Green candidate database and campaign information: • News Center • Speakers Bureau • Ballot Access Page • Video Page • Green Papers • Google+ • Twitter • Livestream Channel • GP-TV Twitter page • Facebook page Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States ~ END ~
Monday, October 01, 2012
US Green Party signs int'l Green statement against "secret" Trans-Pacific Partnership pact
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